HD movies > Silver pond, Hradec Králové


On 1st January 2010 was shot FPV HD Hradec Kralove (my first long-distance flight) released on YouTube. You can enjoy and downloaded it there.
Shot was taken by Multiplex EasyGlider Pro using camcorder Aiptec PenCam HD. It is one of my first attempts in flying FPV, my first flight to distance over 1000 meters. Start point was situated close to Stříbrný rybník (Silver pond) near Hradec Králové, administration center of Eastern Bohemia. Model had passed river Orlice and continued to suburb Slezské předměstí, where almost dropped to road during short dropout of the visual control. Situation was saved in the last moment and plane safety reached its landing point back in suburb Malšova Lhota. Aiptec PenCam HD was used also like source of videosignal for videotransmitter Lawmate 1000mW, standard 2.4GHz receiver equiped by directional YAGI antenna provided signal for videogoogles. Plane was at the time observed by small stativ telescope. Click here to know position of the movie.

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Map of movie location