HD movies > Peníscola


On 21st January 2011 has been released shot Peníscola on server YouTube. It is last clip from the series of HD movies taken during my holidays in Costa del Azahar, Spain.

Peníscola, often called the "Gibraltar of Valencia," is a fortified seaport, with a lighthouse, built on a rocky headland about 220 feet (67 m) high, and joined to the mainland by only a narrow strip of land. Peníscola came as local evolution of Latin word peninsula). Town is located about 130km northern from Valencia along coast of Mediterranean Sea. It has been originally built between 1294 and 1307 by the Knights Templar and from 1415 it was the home of the schismatic Avignon pope Benedict XIII (Pedro de Luna), whose name is commemorated in history like Papa Luna.
The castle where Benedict lived from 1417 until his death in 1423 was restored, improved and new walls were added in 1960 when Anthony Manns film El Cid was partially filmed there. The town and castle of Peníscola played the role of Valencia in this film. The castle is now a popular tourist attraction and the beaches and surrounding area is a popular family holiday resort.

Shot was also taken by my Multiplex EasyStar using camcorder GoPro HD. Clip is compilation of three flights flown in the morning of 07th July 2010. Two flights were started on the northern beach, last one was started and landed on the southern beach close to Peniscola port. Only first flight was controlled using FPV feature and video-googles. Two remaining flights were piloted only under my visual control from ground, because main battery of the ground videoreceiver became weak in the meantime. EasyStar lifted up to flight level 237m to reach nice panoramatic views of the castle and the town. Enjoy amazing scenery of Papa Luna castle and Peniscola port in this clip.

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Map of movie location